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Monday, November 19, 2012

Get Paid to Read E-mails No Minimum PayoutGetting paid to read emails is a great way to make some extra cash. I mean you won’t make enough to call it a job, but you will make a couple of hundred dollars a month depending on how much time and effort your willing to put into it. Which in this though times an extra couple of hundred dollars a month is very helpful. 

The problem with PTR industry is scammers. Its getting harder and harder to find legitimate get paid to read emails programs that actually do pay their members. So, watch out for get paid to read email scams.

One thing to remember about get paid to read email programs is the fact that there are actually many other ways to make money with them You can get paid for taking surveys, signing up for free offers and etc, which also makes a whole another industry called GPT (get paid to). But, PTR is more focused on paid to read email offers than other GPT programs, which is why I listed these programs under PTR category.

If you are ready to make a little extra cash without worrying about getting or not getting paid, here are some legitimate get paid to read email sites you can sign up with for free to make money reading emails.Inbox Dollars Inbox Dollars is an incentive-based website where members get paid for reading email, taking surveys and completing offers. Offers available are the same as the others. You earn $5 bonus for singing up.



Stay connect with us to get genuine and highly paid site information. 


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