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Monday, March 11, 2013


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This post of Clixsense  will walk you through the step by step procedure on how to Sign up, Join and Start Earning with Clixsense! Signing up is the most exciting but most crucial part before you get to become part of the Clixsense community. Making sure that the information you put on the registration is correct would guarantee that you will receive your Clixsense payment on time.
So, with that being said, we need to keep our eyes to all important details during the registration process. I know you cannot wait to become a part of the Clixsense community so let us get the ball rolling! Here's all the information that you need to start your Clixsense career!

STEP # 1:  Click the banner below.

Upon Clicking the above referral link, you will be prompted to Clixsense's Homepage, and you will see, something like this:  "You have been invited to join Clixsense by Jomar Aban"

STEP # 2: Click on [Sign Up Now].

STEP # 3: Fill out the online [Registration Form].

Before you proceed in completing the form, there is one thing with an utmost importance that you need to take note of! Clixsense is only allowing One Account, take note, only ONE ACCOUNT per household. This is to protect the reliability and integrity of Clixsense's advertising system. And this is for your strict compliance. Non-compliance will lead to account suspension or in worst case scenarios, termination of your Clixsense Account.

STEP # 4: Check your email.

This is needed because Clixsense is going to send you a confirmation email to verify your registration to Clixsense. Clixsense verification is done by clicking on the Email Link that was sent to you.


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