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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

ClickBank Secrets-1


Clickbank can be a very lucrative affiliate program because the commissions are incredibly high. Some are as high as 75%.

Because the products are digital (ebooks, digital products, etc.), there are no distribution costs, so that's one reason Clickbank can afford to offer such a large share to their affiliates.

Below I'm going to show you how to get started with Clickbank and understand a bit more about the interface so you can get the most out of your efforts.
How to Join ClickBank
Joining is easy and it's free. Just click the Sign-Up link from the top of the Clickbank homepage. Once your account has been created, you can begin promoting the products on your website.
Searching For Products to Promote
To search for products, click the Marketplace link at the top of the ClickBank homepage.

From here, you can search for products by either category or the search feature.
So for example if you search for "stocks", this is one of the products that appears in the results...

To view the sales page of the product, just click the red title.

This particular product pays $11.78 per sale on average. Now, it's important to note that the amount you earn per sale may not match that number exactly due to upsells, sales tax, chargebacks, etc. However, this will give you an idea of what you can earn.

Check out the Stats information at the bottom of the result. This provides more details about what you can earn.

Notice the Initial $/sale stat is much lower than the average $/sale. This particular vendor offers several products, which is why the initial sale stat and average sale prices differ.
Average %/sale means the average commission for this product is 45% per sale.
The Avg Rebill Total of $8.09, indicates this is a recurring billing product and that's the average amount the affiliate earns. So not only can you earn for one sale, but you will also earn for any customer re-bills. This is how your income can really add up over time.

Obtaining Your Affiliate Link (Hoplink)
Once you decide on a product you want to promote, click the green Promotebutton alongside the listing. You will be presented with this form.

In the Account Nickname box, enter the ClickBank ID you created when you setup your ClickBank account, and add a Tracking ID if you want to keep track of where the sale is coming from.

For example, if you are promoting a specific product in a newsletter, you could use newsOct2012. ClickBank will add this ID to your affiliate URL so you can track how many sales came from this specific link.
So now when you go to the Reporting section at the top of the page, you can view your sales by Tracking ID to see how effective your campaign was.

After you've entered your account nickname and optional tracking ID, click Create and Clickbank will give you the link to promote on your website.


Blogger on November 25, 2017 at 1:13 AM said...

If you're looking for a reputable Pay Per Sale ad company, I recommend that you have a look at Clickbank.

Confused? Feel free to ask



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